Are you having sleepless nights?

Do you find it difficult to sleep. Once I was working at a client's place and it was a lunch time. The client asked me for lunch but I declined. But I accepted a glass of butter milk just to give him company. Butter milk was very delicious and was prepared with peper, salt and cumin seeds. Right after drinking that I started feeling a bit lazy. I thought it is a result of over work and I forgot about it.
Since the drink was so delicious, I thought of making it at home after a few days. I added a few mint and coriander leaves instead of cumin seeds. To my surprise, I started feeling sleepy right after drinking it. Then I realised that I have accidently discovered an anti insomnia drink. It is so easy to make. Just take 3-4 table spoons of natural plain yoghurt, add a glass of water, add a dash of salt, pepper, mint and /or coriander leaves or experiment with different herbs.
Drink it to freshen you up followed by a lazy sweet sleep.
However, if your problem with insomnia is more serious, click here to get more remedies.


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